This page is fully written by a human.


As you may have seen, on this blog i use a lot of AI tools and models to create content.

The AI assisted content creation here is not aim to create more useless content to put on the internet and hope it will magically generate revenue. I’m an adminsys and a security expert, i don’t care about generated AI content, however i’m absolutly amazed by how fast AI topic is evolving, how advanced AI models are now and how complex the science around it is.

So, here is the deal between you and me : when a content is AI generated it will be clearly stated as so, the purpose of the generation will be obvious and every generated content will be reviewed.

For instance the first article of this blog was generated 6 time, if i remember correctly, i read carrefully each version and i added the generation information because it is what’s really important. I run all my models locally, on various setup and i reference clearly what hardware was used for the generation.

The hardware referenced are what i really use, links are Amazon affiliate links (GPU is expensive and it would be lovely if by buying your own stuff it could help me getting a GPU grid XD).

I think, today more than ever, it’s important to be transparent with users about AI generated content, there is no shame using AI to save us a lot of time, but we have to do it responsibly. In my humble opinion the best way to use AI is by giving it tasks with no added value. AI is not even close to match humain brain on most topics, however some tasks could benefit from AI to improve our productivity and creativeness.

AI is amazing, use it wizely. 🙂